Our Vision
We seek to help Jewish spiritual seekers feel comfortable and native owning their Jewish identity so that their spiritual worlds are enriched by an authentic, joyful, and deeply life-enhancing connection to their inherited tradition. We empower our community members to participate in Jewish practice in a way that is aligned to the rest of their lives. We believe the broader Jewish community and world at large is better off with the authentic integration of a vibrant, dynamic, and relevant Jewish spirituality.
Kimu's approach is grounded in four core principles. These beliefs, taken from Jewish study and practice, help set the culture and intention at our events.
Lo Bashamayim Hi
“It is not in heaven”
This concept from the Mishna refers to the idea that Jewish practice is not unattainable and on-high, but rather an accessible practice that can be interpreted and adapted by mere humans.
“All of ME IS here”
In the Bible, this phrase is used several times in evocative or challenging moments as a response to God asking “Where are you?”. It means “Here I am”, or “I am fully present”, or “I am ready.” We welcome all of the parts of ourselves into this work.
"Learning through collaborative discourse”
In a traditional beit midrash, Jewish house of study, people study with a steady partner - everything is learned in pairs. These diads are expected to argue with, challenge one another, and derive insights together through collaborative conversation. We see polarity, dissent, and diversity as essential to Jewish learning.
Eitz Chaim Hi
“A living Torah”
Alluding to the tree of life from Eden, Jewish liturgy refers to the Torah - broadly referring to the entire body of Jewish wisdom and lifestyle - as "a living tree for those who grasp onto her". She is not stagnant. In her ideal state, she is alive, ever growing and evolving, and deeply sustaining for those all those who engage her, regardless of their background.

Kimu is a passion project formed out of the convergence of Adena's professional, personal, and spiritual journey. Raised Orthodox and deeply immersed in Jewish study and practice throughout her upbringing and education, Adena's curiosity and spiritual inquiry led her away from traditional Orthodox life and towards a discovery of the full spectrum of Jewish life, as well as Eastern philosophy, mindfulness, plant medicine, and many other rich traditions and practices that inform her spiritual orientation today. Her practice today integrates a deep knowledge of and connection to Jewish tradition with the richness and resonance of her core beliefs and truths, at times borrowing from other spiritual traditions. She has a passion for adapting ancient rituals in creative, stirring, and thought provoking ways, and creating transformative experiences around the Jewish lifecycle. She endeavors to share an authentic Jewish practice that is beautiful, interesting, and authentic to herself and others through the events that Kimu hosts. To learn more about Adena's relationship to faith and spirituality, please read her recent publication in Sapir.
Professionally, Adena is the founder of Rhizome, where she is an organizational consultant and executive coach, working with business leaders and executive teams to align their organization to their values and thrive through change. In addition to coaching, she designs and leads workshops and large gatherings, and partners with teams to envision and execute a future rooted in their core principles. This experience informs how she shares her Jewish practice through Kimu's events, helping others to understand and anchor their spirituality in their own core beliefs and values.
Although her work ranges across a variety of industries like pharma, Web3, tech, nuclear fusion, Adena holds a special place for her work in Jewish communal spaces, coaching some of America's most influential Rabbis, and guiding synagogues and Jewish foundations and organizations across the denominational spectrum.